Thursday, March 17, 2011

Photo: Bahraini protesters trying to put down flamed tents during Saudi attack on Lulu Roundabout

Bahrain has been witnessing mass attacks by the riot police , armed militia, and lately Bahraini Armed forces and Saudi- Persian Gulf Forces, against the protesters and civilian people and areas in the Shia area in the capital Manama, Muhraq , Sitra , Hamad Town most of Northern and Middle Region along Budia Road.

(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Bahrain has been witnessing mass attacks by the riot police , armed militia, and lately Bahraini Armed forces and Saudi- Persian Gulf Forces, against the protesters and civilian people and areas in the Shia area in the capital Manama, Muhraq , Sitra , Hamad Town most of Northern and Middle Region along Budia Road.

This was culminated with mass attack against Sitra island on Tue. 15 which left 3 killed and hundreds were wounded . The dawn of Wed. 16, witnessed sweeping attack against LULU circle ( Martyr Sq. ) , where in addition to riot police , Bahraini and Saudi armed forces participated using fire arms of all kinds , while 6 Apatchi copters roamed skies in intimidation.

In both days ambulances from central Salmannia hospital were preventd from taking causalities , and staffs were assaulted. In Sitra, the Local Medical Center was besieged and attacked by the militia. In Lulu Circle, close to Slamanya, ambulances were barred , Salmanya hospital was besieged and then broken through by riot police, in order to arrest the wounded. Electricity was cut off the Lulu Circle , all surrounding area and Salmanya hospital . Mobile service was cut off all northern region of Bahrain till 10am .

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